Samantha Cusisk: F*%ked up…but fixed it!

Our HUB ‘F*%ked up…but fixed it!’ series asks salon and barber shop owners to get real with us about a mistake they’ve made in their business and the steps they took to secure a solution. Prepared to share this time is Samantha Cusick, owner of Samantha Cusick London and co-founder of Stā Studios. Here’s her tale of finding mental strength and self-belief 

For me, the ‘f*%k up’ was not just a minor hiccup, but a monumental clash with imposter syndrome that sent shockwaves through my entrepreneurial spirit. Imposter syndrome, that nagging voice of doubt, crept in and gained the upper hand, leading me down a path of panic attacks and crippling anxiety. In those moments, it felt as though my dreams of a thriving salon business were slipping through my fingers.

The ‘fix’ that pulled me out of this abyss of self-doubt came in the form of a realisation – a recognition that I was standing in my own way. This profound moment of self-awareness marked the turning point. With a newfound determination, I embarked on a transformative journey to empower myself with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed.

Enter the Goldman Sachs and Oxford University program called 10KSB. This business course was not just an academic pursuit; it was an affirmation of my capabilities. As I delved into the intricacies of business strategies, financial jargon, and growth plans, I had an epiphany moment – I possessed the expertise I needed. The only missing piece of the puzzle was the language of business, and that was something I could learn. The course acted as a beacon of validation, helping me kick that annoying imposter syndrome.

With my newfound confidence and armed with a toolbox of practical knowledge, I set out to revolutionise my salon business. The inception of Stā Studios was the embodiment of this transformation. It symbolised not just a physical space, but a manifestation of my belief in myself and my vision. Stā Studios became more than just a concept; it was a testament to the strength that lies within us when we conquer our fears and doubts.

The journey from battling imposter syndrome to launching Stā Studios was really transformative for me. It showcased the power of self-awareness, education, and the unwavering determination to transform setbacks into stepping stones. Stā Studios stands as a testament to the fact that the greatest growth often arises from the most challenging moments. Through sharing this experience, my hope is that others can find inspiration and courage to embrace their journey, conquer their doubts, and pave their path towards empowered entrepreneurship.


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